NeetMeat Announcement/DevLog

Hello Humans and Humanoids!

We are OutburstCursed and this is our first 7DRL and our first game we do together in general. We are two young aspiring game developers from Germany. My name is Jason Stüben and I'm doing the coding and advertising for our project and my partner Alexander Schultz, who is responsible for the game art (so please don't compliment the graphics, because he can't take compliments).

In case you have no idea where to find our game once it's finished, have a link:

Since this is our first real project we completly forgot to write a devlog, so this is the attempt to make this up! So buckle your seat belts for our first devlog (I devide the single days into different devlogs):

So... Day 1. Sunday, the 01st of March. It's finally go-time for us! We were super excited to get started. We had our plan, we know what we wanted to do, it was time to start! Alex went to do some sprites for zombies and our main character. I was busy with starting to code the first lines.  So we started from scratch. No premade game are, no pre made scripts or code (ok, I admit I used A* for pathfinding, because I never did pathfinding before). But yeah, like I said, I never used pathfinding before, so I used most of the day to implement A* Pathfinding and Collision Detection. I made some obstacles (white boxes) to test out pathfinding and man, it worked like a charm after a bit of fiddling with the settings. The rest of the day was implementing the first sprites and a little knockback the zombies give you as soon as you touch them. And I made something to render an object behind another object if it is actually behind that object (see zombie on screenshot who's arm was not part of that). At the end of the day I quickly scribbled a script to implement the baseball bat and made it follow the mouse cursor.

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